A registered NDIS enterprise has recently been approved, showcasing its extensive array of services, including policies, procedures, templates, and processes. These services are designed to facilitate business transfers with ASIC and the NDIS commission. Although the company has had no participants since its establishment, it caters to various registration groups, offering services such as:
- 0106 Assist-Life Stage, Transition
- 0107 Assist-Personal Activities
- 0108 Assist-Travel/Transport
- 0115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living
- 0116 Innov Community Participation
- 0117 Development-Life Skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participate Community
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
- 0136 Group/Centre Activities
Price on Application
Approximately 4.3 million Australians have a disability. Within the next five years, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will provide over $22 billion in funding annually to an estimated 500,000 Australians with permanent and significant disabilities. For many, this will be the first time they receive the disability support they need.
The NDIS aims to connect all people with disabilities to services in their communities, including doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries, and schools. It also provides information on the support offered by each state and territory government.