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Accommodation & Tourism business for sale in Darlington Point

  • Accommodation & Tourism
  • Darlington Point NSW 2706
  • $2,500,000 (GST na)

NSW Griffith Region Accommodation Park Business For Sale - 1P0363


A genuine offering to the competitive accommodation market!

Darlington Point Accommodation Village.

Bespoke agricultural / industry accommodation village in the heart of the NSW Riverina Region.

Brand new accommodation offering with up to 55 guest accommodation solutions for a diverse range of guest accommodation needs.

The property is situated upon approx. 14,710m2 of RU5 Village Zoned land across 7 x titles.

Impeccably presented, this unique accommodation format offers a rare solution to industry operators dealing with scarce accommodation availability across the Riverina.

With huge scope to expand and develop further with DA approved options ready to roll out, this is an opportunity not to be missed!

Key Features:

* 7 x Cabins (5 x open plan & 2 x triplex)
* Beautifully presented and tastefully decorated throughout
* 3 x bedroom home / Manager`s residence + large 4 x bay shed
* Accommodation for up to 55+ guests
* Short and long stay options offered
* Large outdoor rotunda with fire pit
* Repeat clientele with key tourism groups, contractors and visitors
* DA Approval for 2 x additional cabins
* DA Approval for communal facility / kitchen/commercial building
* Additional plan for 6 x additional cabins (STCA) available
* Situated upon an approx. total of 14,710m2 across 7 x titles
* Huge development opportunities with the potential for expansion

A must to inspect.

Contact Dan McDonald at MHB for more information.

Map for Darlington Point NSW 2706
Map for Darlington Point NSW 2706Darlington Point NSW 2706


Dan McDonald
McDonald Hospitality Brokers (MHB)
McDonald Hospitality Brokers (MHB)

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