Business ID XB158876
Take the leap into an electric future with Squiggy, a micro transport company offering multiple income streams and above all, freedom. Self-propelled motion with the advantage of class leading electric technology
-Currently based in Melbourne but can be easily relocated anywhere
-Squiggy bikes are designed with the highest international standards
-E-commerce platform maximizes sales opportunities, with huge potential for distribution with external retail partnerships
-The business offers multiple revenue streams and can operate from a home garage
-Established in 2021 during COVID-19, all the hard work has been done
-Sale includes Backend Systems, Trademark, Brand Assets, Domains, Instructional Videos and Manuals, Designs and Suppliers, Catalogues, Facebook, Instagram and Website
-Squiggy serves to increase our individual roaming range without the need for a car or public transport
-The global bike rental market is projected to reach $11.3 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 18.5% from 2022 to 2031
This is an ideal opportunity for a new or established Bike Store seeking to develop a great brand in-house and take on brands like Super 73. It would also suit an E-bike rental business looking to expand online sales and distribution and could be a side hustle or full-time job.
PRICE: $49,000 + SAV
Property Code: 4020