Fully Licensed. Full kitchen.
No display, all made to order.
Approximately 285sqm - very large.
Bar - You can utilise night trade, licensed until midnight.
Owner owns multitude of stores. if you are a hands-on operator you will increase by a lot.
100 seats - very comfortable seating area.
Street exposure.
Very busy on weekends.
Top buy and value for your money.
TURNOVER: $17,000
PROFIT: $2,500-$3,500
LEASE: 3 + 5 Years
RENT: $ 2,019 plus GST, Plus storeroom $184 per week
WAGES: $5,100
STAFF: 4 Full Time, 4 Part Time, 3 Casual. Fully Under Management.
TRADING: Monday - Sunday 8.00am - 3.00pm