SELLING TODAY Up market Mexican Food Eatery - dine in and take away.
Situated in the best location with huge exposure on all angels! Shop is, and looks brand new, with a modern kitchen and great fit out.
Convenient ample parking at the door.
Seats 50 approximately - shopping centre location - not in a food court.
Full liquor licence
Shop has previously achieved a turnover of $32,000 per week.
Mexican food shops are very popular with customers.
Running very rich with wages as its fully under management, huge potential for owner operator to take over and make huge profits.
Inspect today!
TURNOVER: $25,000-$28,000
PROFIT: $4,500
LEASE: 6 Years
RENT: $ 2,423 All Inclusive
WAGES: $5,000
STAFF: Fully Under Manangement, 2 Full Time, 6 Part Time
TRADING: Open lunch and dinner, 11.00am to 9.00pm