Prices Furniture Deliveries is a long established business centrally located in Wagga Wagga, specialising in new furniture deliveries, removals and storage.
The sale of Prices Furniture Deliveries presents a unique opportunity to secure a renowned, locally operated delivery business. This highly respected business has built up a regular client base based on trusted professional service. Complementing this outstanding business is the extensive warehouse and storage facilities.
Rent The rent for the warehouse facility is $3883 per month.
Business A highly respected business with an extensive client base delivering new furniture and whitegoods from retailers to businesses and homes.
Operating for 40 plus years a successful furniture removalist with storage facilities, covering the Riverina. Also providing a full local and interstate furniture removal and storage service.
Trading Times Operating 5.5 days from their warehouse in Wagga Wagga.
Staff An experienced and specialist team including two owners, three full time and two part time staff.
Plant & Equipment The business has an extensive range of plant & equipment in excellent condition. An inventory is available for interested parties.
Financial Report A comprehensive Profit & Loss Statement is available.
Asking Price - $950,000.