All under management
The best blue water, inshore and estuary fishing charters in the world, by using the most modern techniques and industry leading equipment to provide a sportfishing edge
The business has been established for over 20 years, and regularly works with many repeat and private clients.
Has been fully booked out every year in advance.
Can be administered from anywhere in Australia.
Business includes the following:
- Mother Ship: 70ft (21.336 meters) sleeping accommodation 6
guests 2 ensuite and one shared bathroom 3 separate levels
commercial galley for chef to prepare evening gourmet meals
fully licenced bar on board tackle shop.
- Centre Console BM 1: 19ft 8.22 ins: (6m meters) fully equipped fishing boat.
- Centre Console BM 2: 19ft 8.22 ins: (6m meters) fully equipped fishing boat.
- Centre Console BM 3: 19ft 8.22 ins: (6m meters) fully equipped fishing boat.
- Toyota Landcruiser Parada
- Spare parts & boat trailers
For more information, please contact David Wollermann on
0409 399 935 or 03 9888 6488 or email