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Transport, Distribution & Storage business for sale in Bundaberg

  • Transport, Distribution & Storage
  • 67 Buss St Bundaberg QLD 4670
  • Expression of Interest

Transport And Bulk Storage Business At Growing Port of Bundaberg. 400m to wharf.

The Port of Bundaberg

It's been many years since a transport, bulk storage and wharf access business has become available on the Port of Bundaberg.

Asset upgrades have been commissioned including the completion of natural gas infrastructure and a 250m Multiuse Conveyor loading upto 2,000 tonnes of minerals, sands and grains per hour.

There has been significant growth brought about by both new international (Etex) and domestic tenants (Pacific Tug). It should be noted that the Port of Bundaberg is Australia's most northern port below the cyclone line and is within 1000 nautical miles of the Pacific Islands and South East Asia trade zones.

This growth has created increased demand for access to the Port and presents the perfect opportunity for you to secure excellent hub access which is only 400m away from the wharf.

Recent disruptions in road and rail due to flooding, road works and congestion has highlighted the need for supply chain diversity and resilience. The Port of Bundaberg is ideally positioned for contingency planning and provides significant cost saving opportunities to Wide Bay Burnett producer's, miners and manufacturers.


This business has grown significantly and the time has now come to pass the business to a national or international player. Okara'a proximity to Port facilities gives customers an efficient, cost effective export alternative to the larger Ports of Brisbane and Gladstone. Okara has the ability to facilitate trade opportunities and has bulk, break bulk and containerised capabilities.


Okara transports bulk goods in a modern fleet of truck and trailer combinations. The majority of current, long term work is now associated with the rebuild of Paradise Dam and Bruce Highway upgrades which are two of the Queensland State Government's biggest infrastructure projects.
Okara has a preferred supplier agreements to transport, store and ship load sand from a local quarry to Asian markets. Is also has another agreement to unload gypsum and stock pile at Etex.


The 2 hectare property is part of the Gladstone Port Authority land lease tenancy with 23 years remaining on the lease. The property is ideally positioned in a State Development Area dedicated to commercial growth providing significant leverage for expansion. Okara have completed $3 million of land improvements to make this site ready to support the growth of the Port of Bundaberg. Okara was awarded a 100% discount on council infrastructure charges for being recognised as a project of regional significance.

Assets and infrastructure
$1m replacement cost of plant and equipment including 3 B double trucks
4000m2 open hardstand bunker
500m2 hardstand bunker covered with the business' own proprietary Igloo. This is used for warehousing of goods
500m2 Igloo covered workshop
Storage area for 110 shipping containers

Future growth

The owners have prepared the business for growth and have a DA for bulk storage infrastructure and logistics and a ERA50 for loading/unloading 256,000 tonnes of bulk cargo per annum.

The site is an Approved Arrangement Facility for export inspections including container inspections and washdown. The business is the only facility between Brisbane and Gladstone with an authorised officer on staff to complete export certification inspections.

The flexibility of this site as a transport, storage and shipping hub creates an incredible, once in a decade opportunity. Buyers have a rare chance to gain an access to new shipping and export markets from central/southern Queensland.

The opportunity

The uniqueness of the opportunity has encouraged the owners to put this business to market as an Expression of Interest. This will allow buyers to use their own valuation models and provide bid pricing suitable to themselves.

See the attached video from Gladstone Port Authority for more technical details, outline of upcoming growth opportunities and view of the site for sale.

The Expression of Interest will close on Friday 28th February 2025 at 1 p.m AEST.

Please contact Peter Bender from Bundaberg Commercial for a confidentiality agreement, information package and to arrange a must visit

The information contained herein has been obtained directly from the seller and other sources but cannot be guaranteed as accurate. Clients are advised to verify any information through normal due diligence.

Map for 67 Buss St Bundaberg QLD 4670
Map for 67 Buss St Bundaberg QLD 467067 Buss St Bundaberg QLD 4670

Listed by

Peter Bender
Bundaberg Commercial

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