For similar business opportunities on the market, please contact Sam Vasli from Expert Business Brokers.
M. 0432 579 502
Motor Wrecker business for Sale
- Located in Campbellfield, a prime industrial hub, North of Melbourne, surrounded by many other automotive businesses
- Successfully running for over 16 years, earning a solid reputation in the area
- Operating from a spacious 1000 sqm wrecker yard with a fully equipped mechanical workshop.
- with a secured lease and very reasonable rent fee of $2,650 p/month Only!
- Business Equipment including essential tools such as Car Hoist, 2 Forklifts, Tow Truck, Tyre Machines, Balance Machine, Air compressors, and more
- Managed by the owner and a part-time mechanic / experienced wrecker.
- Stocking approximately 60 cars in the yard, valued between $30,000 to $40,000, ripe for resale or parting out.
Huge growth potential, including.
expanding the business by offering mechanical services
doing some marketing efforts (currently Nil)
Utilising the space for car sales
Implementing an inventory system (currently no system in place)
Owner selling to move back to his original field of expertise (out of automotive industry)
For more information on this opportunity, contact Sam Vasli from "Expert Business Brokers"
M: 0432 579 502