- Brandon QLD 4808
- Brandon QLD 4808
2 medical & consulting properties for lease in Brandon, QLD 4808
Includes surrounding areas
Results 1 to 2 of 2
Price $120,000 pa (plus GST) Address 100 Macmillan Street, Ayr QLD 4807
- Corner location opposite Burdekin Shire Council Chambers - Mix of open plan space and separate offices - Lunch room and amenities - Furniture is optional - 10 x onsite, concrete sealed...
Highlight High quality commercial office space - Mix of open plan and separate offices - 10 x onsite carparks / 2 x undercover
Size 430 m² Property Type Medical / Consulting Price Contact Agent Address 104 Queen Street, Ayr QLD 4807
E- Property Consultants NQ is pleased to offer For Lease 104 Queen Street which is a commercial office building that has been operated as a Westpac Bank for a number of years until they recently...
Highlight High Profile Exposure - Former Retail Banking Branch - Vacant Possession
Size 550 m² Property Type Medical / Consulting
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