- Fyansford VIC 3218
- Fyansford VIC 3218
22 showrooms for lease in Fyansford, VIC 3218
Includes surrounding areas
Results 21 to 22 of 22
Price $187,500pa + GST & O/Gs Address 155 Weddell Road, North Geelong VIC 3215
* Beautifully fitted out two level offices * Three side roller doors * Lunch room (with alfresco deck), showroom, amenities, boardroom * Fully fenced with lockable gates * Off street parking, solar...
Highlight Size 1,485 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods Price $15,500 plus GST & O'Gs pa Address 2/5 Dowsett Street, South Geelong VIC 3220
* Approx. 82m2 with showroom/offices & amenities * Rear workshop with roller door * Industrial 1 zone
Highlight Size 82 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods
Proposed Developments