- Port Kennedy WA 6172
- Port Kennedy WA 6172
2 showrooms for lease in Port Kennedy, WA 6172
Includes surrounding areas
Results 1 to 2 of 2
Price $3225 + gst + vos Address 2/5 Crowley Street, Port Kennedy WA 6172
Available Now !! Generous Incentives . Cheapest rent in PK now with rents reaching $145m2 now. Excellent location for manufacturing , fitness industry etc etc. Located in the thriving Port...
Highlight Size 387 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods MODERN COMMERCIAL UNIT IN BADLIVIS
Flexible sizing - Excellent exposure and natural light - Roller door access
Shannon Swarts, Jonathan KilbornPrice CONTACT AGENT Address 83 Norseman Approach, Baldivis WA 6171
FOR LEASE: This modern commercial unit is primely located in the heart of Baldivis close to quality businesses including Domino's, The Cheesecake Shop, Squirters Carwash and Bunnings (close by)....
Size 90 - 197 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods
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