- Roelands WA 6226
- Roelands WA 6226
5 showrooms for lease in Roelands, WA 6226
Includes surrounding areas
Price Contact Agent Address 7 Saltwood Drive, Australind WA 6233
Secure this limited space for your next retail, medical, office or warehouse destination. Located in Australind's primary commercial precinct, spaces are available for lease with development...
Highlight Competitive rental rates offered - +5.75m precinct visitors in 2023** - Experienced developer
Size 3,000 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods Price $265 psm pa + GST Address 11 The Promenade, Australind WA 6233
Transact Capital is delighted to offer Treendale Home + Lifestyle Centre, a strategically designed hybrid development that combines retail and showroom opposite and directly connecting to the...
Highlight Size 1,558 - 2,128 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods Price $25,500pa plus GST plus Outgoings Address 13B Antlia Way, Australind WA 6233
This modern 140sqm warehouse is located in the Treendale Commercial precinct adjoining Bunnings Warehouse and within close proximity of other well known brands in Vibe, 7 Eleven, Woolworths,...
Highlight Size 139 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods Price $49,000 pa plus GST plus Outgoings Address 11 Morrison Way, Collie WA 6225
We've been instructed to let you know that the owner will develop hardstand based on your needs, do you want all concrete, do you want a pit? Let us know, we have a motivated owner. This is an 18m...
Highlight Size 297 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods Price $25,000 pa (GST na) Address 1 Pratt Road, Eaton WA 6232
Main Road Frontage ~189m2 Unit Base Rent $25,000 pa incl GST + Outgoings $15,500 Negotiable Ample Centre Parking Contact Kimberley Doiron 0409 886 564
Highlight Size 189 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods
Proposed Developments