- Albany WA 6330
- Albany WA 6330
5 other properties for sale in Albany, WA 6330
Includes surrounding areas
Price $110,000 WIWO Address 109B Lockyer Avenue, Albany WA 6330
With an already well-established reputation for quality take-away food and outside catering, this successful lunch bar/catering kitchen situated in a high-profile city location, is ready to take to...
Highlight Size 80 m² Property Type Other Price Offers Closing 4pm, 28th Feb 2025 Address Lot 7, 8 & 9, Albany WA 6330
Offers are invited to secure one, or more of three outstanding beach front, medium density development lots located just metres from the Middleton Beach foreshore. Middleton Beach is an iconic...
Highlight Size 2,015 m² Property Type Other Price $850,000 (GST na) Address 789 Chester Pass Road, Willyung WA 6330
Welcome to 789 Chester Pass Road, Wilyung, WA 6330, famously known as Dymesbury Lodge. Once a vibrant hub for celebrations and gatherings, this property is now a canvas waiting for an entrepreneurial ...
Highlight Size 1,000 m² Property Type Other - Under Offer
Price Offers above $1,100,000 (under offer) Address 309 Albany Highway, Mount Melville WA 6330
Fuel Station and Workshops off Albany Highway, not far from the main round about entering Albany town. Fuel station forecourt rented by United Petroleum Two workshops, approx. 210sqm and 270sqm,...
Highlight Size 470 m² Property Type Other - Under Offer
Price $1,600,000 (GST na) (under offer) Address 36080A Albany Highway, Mckail WA 6330
Albany Metal Recyclers and Highway Wreckers * Established and operated for 33 years * High turnover with potential to grow the Wreckers and Mechanical/panel * 4 sheds totaling, 1,800sqm & 168 skip ...
Highlight Size 2.02 ha Property Type Other
Proposed Developments