- Barry Beach VIC 3962
- Barry Beach VIC 3962
4 shop & retail properties for sale in Barry Beach, VIC 3962
Includes surrounding areas
Price $620,000 PLUS GST IF APPLICABLE Address 20 Main Street, Welshpool VIC 3966
This is an opportunity to purchase a property that is the real hub of not only Welshpool and Port Welshpool Communities but the surrounding rural areas as well. A fully renovated 3 bedroom home is a ...
Highlight Size 300 m² Property Type Shop & Retail Price $990,000 (GST na) Address 25-27 Stanley St, Toora VIC 3962
Business only $99,000 with 3 x 3 leaseback and flexibility on space also available. Enjoying a premier corner location right in the heart of the town, with a history dating back to 1904, now...
Highlight Size 481 m² Property Type Shop & Retail Price 549,000 Address 64 Stanley St, Toora VIC 3962
64 Stanley St Toora Toora Woodfired pizza A thriving business with huge potential to expand located right in the heart of Toora's Main Street. Currently operating 5 nights a week with the potential ...
Highlight Size 152 m² Property Type Shop & Retail Price $395,000 Plus GST (if applicable) Address 18 Main Street, Welshpool VIC 3966
Looking for your first step into commercial or wanting to add another to your portfolio. An ideal investment with a returns in the 7% range. This commercial shop front is one of the larger...
Highlight Size 250 m² Property Type Shop & Retail
Proposed Developments