- Caloundra West QLD 4551
- Caloundra West QLD 4551
4 medical & consulting properties for sale in Caloundra West, QLD 4551
Includes surrounding areas
Price Offers over $375,000 + GST (if applicable) Address Unit 9/30 Minchinton Street, Caloundra QLD 4551
Josh Harris from Ray White Commercial Noosa & Sunshine Coast is pleased to present 9/30 Minchinton Street, Caloundra to the market for sale. Whether you are looking for an investment opportunity...
Highlight Size 40 m² Property Type Medical / Consulting Price Sale Offers Over 3.75 Million or lease $550 P/sqm Address 64 Landsborough Parade, Golden Beach QLD 4551
RWC Medical in conjunction with Henzells Agency Commercial is excited to offer an exceptional Medical Property for Sale or Lease at 64 Landsborough Parade, Golden Beach. This 340 sqm* freestanding...
Highlight Size 340 m² Property Type Medical / Consulting Price Offers over $2,650,000 + GST (if applicable) Address 85 Bulcock Street, Caloundra QLD 4551
Josh Harris from RWC Noosa & Sunshine Coast is pleased to present 85 Bulcock Street, Caloundra to the market for sale. With multiple commercial tenancies and newly renovated private access...
Highlight Size 439 m² Property Type Medical / Consulting Price $589,000 Address 5/43 Minchinton Street, Caloundra QLD 4551
Located in "Trinity House Caloundra", this business site could be the perfect opportunity for your medical business or to add to your property portfolio! Within walking distance to shops, beaches,...
Highlight Size 102 m² Property Type Medical / Consulting
Proposed Developments