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  • Cranbrook WA 6321
    • Cranbrook WA 6321

      15 commercial properties for sale in Cranbrook, WA 6321

      Includes surrounding areas

      Results 1 to 15 of 15
      • Under Offer
        Rural / Farming commercial property for sale at Glenrock Frankland-Cranbrook Road Cranbrook WA 6321
        PriceExpressions of Interest closing 20th Feb 2025 (under offer)

        Glenrock Frankland-Cranbrook Road, Cranbrook WA 6321

        • Located 11kilometres west of Cranbrook on the Frankland-Cranbrook Road. 5 separate freehold locations all with bitumen road frontage. • Divided into 5 main paddocks all with good water supply. ...


        Size388 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Under Offer
        Price$8,200,000 (GST na) (under offer)

        460 Rockwell Road, Cranbrook WA 6321

        Comprising 1105.8 hectares on two titles with direct frontage to Albany Highway to the west, Rockwell Road to the east and Frankland Cranbrook Road to the south. Anglesey is an exceptionally well...


        Size1,105.8 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceShore | Countdown All Offers By May 8

        Bremer Bay WA 6338

        1,000 Bremer Bay Acres Adjoining Coastal Reserve 300sqm Commercial Grade Accommodation & Airstrip River Running to Ocean Shore | Countdown Absolutely all offers presented by 5pm Wednesday May 8...


        Size404.69 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price$329,000 (GST na)

        1913 South Greenhills Road, Tambellup WA 6320

        Privacy and seclusion guaranteed on your very own private 160 acre block. The land is ready for you to come down on weekends and explore or quiet simply sit back and enjoy. If you have been yearning...


        Size64.84 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price45,000,000 for Blackwattle only

        Blackwattle and Russell Road, West Cape Howe, Hay Shed Hill and wineries, Frankland River WA 6396

        An opportunity to acquire a multi-facetted agricultural and wine production enterprise including two Halliday Five Red Star rated wineries in Margaret River and The Great Southern wine regions....


        Size4,620 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceOffers around $4,000,000

        768 Lakelands Road, Tenterden WA 6322

        Take advantage of this well set up property with everything in place and in good order for sheep production Currently running sheep but majority considered suitable for cropping Attractive...


        Size506 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price$21,000,000 (GST na)

        1028 Nightwell Road, Nalyerlup WA 6338

        A rare offering of a prime property located within the tightly held and highly regarded Borden mixed farming regions in the Great Southern of Western Australia. Totalling 2612.42 hectares with an...


        Size2,612.42 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price$800,000 (GST na)

        Lot 51 Jingalup Road, Kojonup WA 6395

        In the locality of Jingalup, located approx. 20kms south west of Kojonup in a total rural setting lies this nice piece of realestate. Undulating terrain, plenty of water from a key dam, strong soil...


        Size79.4 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price$500,000 (GST na)

        Lot 4 Samson Road, Kojonup WA 6395

        In the locality of Jingalup, approx. 20km south west of Kojonup this property is setting amongst farmland and is accessible by sealed road. There is power running through and a catchment dam services ...


        Size45 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceExpressions of Interest

        1606 Wingebellup Road, Frankland River WA 6396

        "Kookaroo Farm", is located on Wingebellup Road, 16kms west of the Frankland River townsite and 137kms from the Albany Port and 195kms from the Bunbury port. The property is situated within the...


        Size1,881.82 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Under Offer
        Price$4,500,000 (GST na) (under offer)

        1467 Boxwood Hill-Ongerup Road, Boxwood Hill WA 6338

        1467 Boxwood Hill-Ongerup Road is ideally located on the south coast approx. 33kms west of Gairdner and 137kms north east of the major regional centre of Albany. The property size is 954.88ha or...


        Size954.88 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PricePrices starting from $380,000

        331 Clitchbury Road, Frankland River WA 6396

        Available as a whole 990 acres $2,500 per acre or $2,475,000. On offer are three vacant lots and the main homestead farm (Lot 262), which is central to the current management of the entire...


        Size400.8 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Under Offer
        Price$13,900,000 (GST na) (under offer)

        Mobrup Road, Mobrup WA 6395

        High rainfall cropping and grazing opportunity. Consisting of two titles (one pending subdivision) located in the Kojonup Shire with frontage to Mobrup Road with an estimated total size of 1372.60...


        Size1,372.6 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceExpressions of Interest

        Lot 215 Blackwattle Road, Frankland River WA 6396

        Located approximately 8 kilometres south of the Frankland River town site with frontage to Blackwattle road. The property comprises 769.1 hectares of pristine native bush with stunning stands of...


        Size769.1 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceAsking $4,000,000

        81 Mosgiel Road, Tenterden WA 6322

        Once part of the renowned "Mosgiel" aggregation Majority of undulating good arable medium loams throughout Well fenced into 13 paddocks with good fencing of ring-lock on wood and steel posts ...


        Size334.49 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
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