- Crowther NSW 2803
- Crowther NSW 2803
3 hotel, motel, pub & leisure properties for sale in Crowther, NSW 2803
Includes surrounding areas
Results 1 to 3 of 3
Price $575,000 (GST na) Address 4340 Olympic Hwy, Koorawatha NSW 2807
If you are looking for the elusive hotel in a "one pub town" and an easy drive to a major regional centre, this is it! Our owners have very successfully developed a local bar trade and an...
Highlight Freehold multi income
Size 600 m² Property Type Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure Price Expressions of Interest Address 37B Marsden Street, Boorowa NSW 2586
Flemings Boorowa is pleased to present the historic Boorowa Hotel to the market for sale. This grand two-storey landmark has been a cornerstone of the community since 1880, standing tall at the...
Highlight Size 938 m² Property Type Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure Price Expressions of Interest Address 37B Marsden Street, Boorowa NSW 2586
Flemings Boorowa is pleased to present the historic Boorowa Hotel to the market for sale. This grand two-storey landmark has been a cornerstone of the community since 1880, standing tall at the...
Highlight Size 938 m² Property Type Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
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