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  • Curdies River VIC 3268
    • Curdies River VIC 3268

      1,329 rural & farming properties for sale in Curdies River, VIC 3268

      Includes surrounding areas

      Results 1 to 20 of 1329
      • Sponsored
        Offices commercial property for sale at Level 11/100 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
        Offices commercial property for sale at Level 11/100 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
        Offices commercial property for sale at Level 11/100 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000

        Prestigious Paris End Office in Melbourne's Most Coveted Corporate & Lifestyle Precinct

        First Time Offered in 30 Years - Elite Business Address - Surrounded By Excellence

        Anthony  Kirwan
        George  Davies
        Jeff Ha 石军豪
        Anthony Kirwan, George Davies, Jeff Ha 石军豪Cushman & Wakefield Melbourne
        Cushman & Wakefield Melbourne
        PriceExpressions of Interest

        Level 11/100 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

        Cushman & Wakefield Strata Markets are pleased to present for sale Level 11, 100 Collins Street, an exclusive opportunity to secure a whole floor office in one of Melbourne's most prestigious...

        Size280 m²Property TypeOffices
      • Video

        'Tullaree' One of South Gippsland's most iconic rural holdings

        Nick Myer
        Ben Townsend
        Nick Myer, Ben TownsendElders Real Estate Melbourne
        PriceExpressions of Interest

        90 McRae Road, Buffalo VIC 3958

        Elders Rural Services Australia Ltd is pleased to present for sale 'Tullaree,' one of South Gippsland's most iconic rural holdings, widely renowned for its historic Victorian-Federation five-bedroom...

        Size411 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Quality Poultry Investment

        Consistent financial performance - Modern best-in-class infrastructure - Outstanding location

        Jock Grimshaw
        Chris Holgar
        Chris Lawlor
        Jock Grimshaw, Chris Holgar, Chris LawlorJLL - Melbourne
        PriceContact Agent

        Murgheboluc VIC 3218

        JLL as exclusive agent are pleased to present for sale by Expression of Interest Somerset Poultry, a best-in-class high performing poultry enterprise underpinned by a long-term grower agreement with...

        Size82.26 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • New

        Premium Scale Wimmera Cropping Opportunity

        Danny Thomas
        Patrick Kerr
        Danny Thomas, Patrick Kerr
        PriceExpression of Interest

        Minyip VIC 3392

        LAWD is pleased to present for sale, 'Kirkeim', a large-scale dryland cropping opportunity situated within the renowned Wimmera region of Victoria. KEY INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS: Comprising a total...

        Size1,152 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • New

        Large-scale and modern protected cropping enterprise

        25,720* square meters under glass - Largest producer of eggplants nationally - 108* lineal kilometers from Melbourne

        John Harrison
        James Beer
        Thomas Quinn
        John Harrison, James Beer, Thomas Quinn
        PriceContact Agent

        1566 Princes Highway, Yarragon VIC 3823

        CBRE is pleased to present for sale Gippsland Greenhouse Produce, a modern protected cropping enterprise located in Gippsland, Victoria. Key features of the opportunity include: - A 12.58*...

        Size12.58 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Wrattonbully Vineyard

        Established vineyards - Significant water allocation

        Russell Iles
        Woodbridge Iles Property- RLA 324965
        PriceExpressions of Interest

        218 Jessie Road, Hynam SA 5262

        Boutique Vineyard in the Heart of Wrattonbully, Limestone Coast This exceptional boutique vineyard is located in the renowned Wrattonbully region, part of the prestigious Limestone Coast wine...

        Size39.21 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceContact Agent

        426 Dixons Road, Kongorong SA 5291

        CBRE Agribusiness in conjunction with SAL are pleased to present 426 Dixons Road, Kongorong for sale, an intensive irrigation property in a highly reliable rainfall district. Comprising...


        288.5 hectares - 117.36ha irrigated - 742mm* average annual rainfall

        Size288 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price$14,000,000 (GST na)

        Euroa VIC 3666

        LARGE SCALE HOLDING WITH EXCEPTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE CBRE is delighted to bring the 'Balmullin' aggregation to the market, an exceptional piece of breeding and grazing country in the foothills of...


        Carrying Capacity of 15,000* DSE - State of the Art Sheep Facilities - Beautifully Restored Homestead

        Size1,550 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price$9,000,000

        Pastoria VIC 3444

        LAWD is pleased to present for sale Balboora, a highly productive livestock grazing operation located within close proximity KEY INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS: Comprising a total land area of 529*...


        Size529 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PricePrivate Treaty

        Frances SA 5262

        LAWD and TDC Livestock & Property are pleased to present for sale Boorala Aggregation (the Aggregation), an institutional scale farming opportunity currently utilised for dryland cropping (cereals,...


        Size2,821 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price$5,600,000 - $6,160,000

        592, 676, & Lot 4 Drysdale Road, Euroa VIC 3666

        The Phone Code for this property is: 28257. Please quote this number when phoning or texting. GOULBURN VALLEY PIGGERY OPERATION - Large scale growout facilities located at Euroa and Murchison East ...


        Size60.7 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceEOI

        Charlton VIC 3525

        LAWD is pleased to present for sale Charlton Free Range Farm, a chicken broiler operation comprising eight-sheds, strategically located 90* kilometres north-west of Bendigo. KEY INVESTMENT...


        Size259 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceEOI

        1259 Mason Road, Girgarre VIC 3624

        LAWD in conjunction with Kevin Hicks Real Estate are pleased to present for sale the KAF Portfolio (Southern Aggregation), a large scale irrigated and dryland cropping portfolio located in the highly ...


        Size609 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceEOI

        32 Murphy Road, Tongala VIC 3621

        LAWD in conjunction with Kevin Hicks Real Estate are pleased to present for sale the KAF Portfolio (Northern Aggregation), a large scale irrigated and dryland cropping portfolio located in the highly ...


        Size520 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceEOI

        44 White Road, Kyabram VIC 3620

        LAWD in conjunction with Kevin Hicks Real Estate are pleased to present for sale the KAF Portfolio (Eastern Aggregation), a large scale irrigated and dryland cropping portfolio located in the highly...


        Size431 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceEOI

        1000 Webb Road, Timmering VIC 3561

        LAWD in conjunction with Kevin Hicks Real Estate are pleased to present for sale the KAF Portfolio (Central Aggregation), a large scale irrigated and dryland cropping portfolio located in the highly...


        Size297 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Under Offer
        Price$1,600,000 (under offer)

        2312 Creswick-Newstead Road, Smeaton VIC 3364

        LAWD is pleased to present for sale 2312 Creswick- Newstead Road, Smeaton (the Property), a high-quality grazing and conservation opportunity situated in the Goldfields region of north-west ...


        Size416 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • Price$2,600,000 - $2,800,000

        210 & 220 Highlands Road, Seymour VIC 3660

        For the first time offered in over 35 years, Donovan & Co. And Magic Millions are proud to present the renowned 'Dj Bourne Racing Stables' to the market. Spanning 13.71 acres, this unique opportunity ...


        Size5.55 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceExpressions of Interest

        28-30 St Huberts Road, Yering VIC 3770

        One of Victoria's premier rural holdings situated in the heart of the Yarra Valley. Offering 138 hectares (341 acres) of pristine, gently undulating country with world-class infrastructure for a beef ...


        Premier Rural Holding with Potential - Boasting 1.3 km of Yarra River Frontage - Self-sufficient Alternative Energy

        Size138 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PriceContact Agent

        584 Strathallan Road, Bamawm VIC 3561

        LAWD is pleased to present for sale 584 Strathallan Road, Bamawm, a highly developed irrigated dairy/grazing operation located in Northern Victoria, 15* kilometres south of Echuca. KEY INVESTMENT...


        Size175 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
      • PricePlease contact agent

        737 Maroondah Highway, Coldstream VIC 3770

        Colliers is pleased to present for sale Mulberry Hill, a premium vineyard development opportunity on the Yarra Valley's golden mile one of the world's premier wine growing regions. Key features of...


        51.7ha landholding, 6.9ha vineyard - Permit for winery, restaurant, residence - Located in renowned Yarra Valley

        Size51.7 haProperty TypeRural / Farming
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