- Emu Bay SA 5223
- Emu Bay SA 5223
287 rural & farming properties for sale in Emu Bay, SA 5223
Includes surrounding areas
- Under Offer
Price EOI - 31 March 2022 (under offer) Address J PRICE ROAD, Thomas Plain SA 5554
Hay Processing with geographic diversification in SA & WA Elders Real Estate has been engaged to offer the land, fixed improvements and equipment of SP Hay Australia for sale as a whole or in...
Highlight Size 13.24 ha Property Type Rural / Farming - Under Offer
Price UNDER CONTRACT (under offer) Address Redbanks SA 5502
REDBANKS 132.5Ha Reliable Cropping : Perfect cropping and grazing opportunity located in the heart of the lower mid north : Consistently dependable yields & rotational cropping program :...
Highlight Size 132.5 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price Best Offers Address 107 Chalmers Road, Port Neill SA 5604
Income from leasing and mobile phone tower. Spectacular views and beautiful coast line. Suit live stock or cropping. Sandy loam duplex soils. 5 minutes from Pt Neill township....
Highlight Size 109.4 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price For Sale Address Greenways SA 5272
Being 369 Hectares Irrigation Equivalent or Part Thereof Lower Limestone Coast Prescribed Wells Area South Australia. METHOD OF SALE Sale by Private Treaty TO BE OFFERED Portion of Water...
Highlight Size 369 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price Expressions of Interest Address 82 Brooker Road, Port Neill SA 5604
Located in the highly sought after lower Eyre Peninsula region of South Australia. Key features: - Renovated Modern Home - Implement Shedding - Good Fencing - Close Proximity to...
Highlight Size 342.77 ha Property Type Rural / Farming - Under Offer
Price UNDER CONTRACT (under offer) Address Lot 6 Douglas Dawson Track, Robe SA 5276
Lot 6 Douglas Dawson Track is located at the doorstep of the back beaches. Zoned Rural Living, this 5.850 ha/ 14.45 acres approx has subdivisional potential, subject to council approval (STCA)....
Highlight Size 5.85 ha Property Type Rural / Farming - Under Offer
Price Lease Expressions of Interest Due 14th October (under offer) Address 714-960 Harry Butler Road & 4 Honner Road, Brentwood SA 5575
Tucker's and King's lease is situated along the Honner Road at Brentwood, in the Hundred of Minlacowie and is located approximately 16km south from Minlaton and 20km north from Yorketown SA. It will...
Highlight Size 226.4 ha Property Type Rural / Farming
Proposed Developments