- Miallo QLD 4873
- Miallo QLD 4873
242 rural & farming properties for sale in Miallo, QLD 4873
Includes surrounding areas
Results 241 to 242 of 242
Price $3,750,000 Address Atherton QLD 4883
This property is well located in a highly sought after area commonly known as the Atherton Tablelands. The land is very fertile and thus is suitable for intensive agriculture. The portion of land has ...
Highlight Size 60.43 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price $900,000 (GST na) Address 11 Coldwater Road, Abergowrie QLD 4850
This Abergowrie Cane Farm west of Ingham has an area of 41.27 hectares (over 101 acres) of which approximately 30 hectares (over 74 acres) is under cane. The property has an old barracks, bore that...
Highlight Size 41.27 ha Property Type Rural / Farming
Proposed Developments