- Mount Collins NSW 2794
- Mount Collins NSW 2794
3 hotel, motel, pub & leisure properties for sale in Mount Collins, NSW 2794
Includes surrounding areas
Results 1 to 3 of 3
Price $575,000 (GST na) Address 4340 Olympic Hwy, Koorawatha NSW 2807
If you are looking for the elusive hotel in a "one pub town" and an easy drive to a major regional centre, this is it! Our owners have very successfully developed a local bar trade and an...
Highlight Freehold multi income
Size 600 m² Property Type Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure Price Expressions of Interest Address 37B Marsden Street, Boorowa NSW 2586
"Flemings Boorowa is pleased to present the Historic Boorowa Hotel to the market for sale. The very grand two story building which adorns the southern end of Boorowa Business Centre has been a...
Highlight Size 938 m² Property Type Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure Price Expressions of Interest Address 37B Marsden Street, Boorowa NSW 2586
"Flemings Boorowa is pleased to present the Historic Boorowa Hotel to the market for sale. The very grand two story building which adorns the southern end of Boorowa Business Centre has been a...
Highlight Size 938 m² Property Type Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
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