- Mulloon NSW 2622
- Mulloon NSW 2622
2 shop & retail properties for sale in Mulloon, NSW 2622
Includes surrounding areas
Results 1 to 2 of 2
Price $749,000 Plus GST Address 51 Bradley Street, Goulburn NSW 2580
Located just off the north end of the main street in Goulburn's CBD, this property has been home to a successful second hand furniture/ antique store for the last 11 years. A mechanics workshop...
Highlight Prime CBD Location - Wide Street Frontage
Size 250 m² Property Type Shop & Retail Price $3,150,000 (GST na) Address 17 Gibraltar Street, Bungendore NSW 2621
This is an outstanding opportunity for investors to secure this freehold commercial property in the beautiful, ever growing Bungendore Village. Ideally located only 30 minutes to Canberra CBD, or...
Highlight Size 600 m² Property Type Shop & Retail
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