- O'Connor WA 6163
- O'Connor WA 6163
4 showrooms for sale in O'Connor, WA 6163
Includes surrounding areas
- Under Offer
Price From $725,000 + GST or $30,000pa + VO's + GST (under offer) Address U9/5 Murphy St, O'connor WA 6163
Available For Sale or For Lease Time To Move Your Small Business Out Of Home And Separate Your Work - Home Life!! Are You Needing The Perfect Storage Unit For Your Prized Car Collection, Boat Or...
Highlight Size 159 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods - Under Offer
Price Price by Negotiation (under offer) Address 3 Sequoia Place, Bibra Lake WA 6163
NAI Harcourts Metro is please to present this property to the market for sale. This property is currently being used as a cabinet making business (purchase of the business is optional), but can be...
Highlight Size 1,000 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods Price For Sale by EOI or Lease Fr $26K PA + GST & Outs Address 8/75 Miguel Road, Bibra Lake WA 6163
Take advantage of this opportunity while you still can. Well presented smartly fitted out office with great separation of space over 2 levels. Features Include: - Reception area - Kitchenette -...
Highlight Size 162 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods Price Price on Application Address 4 Rockingham Road, Hamilton Hill WA 6163
Just minutes to the bustling Fremantle city centre, port and cool South Beach precinct, this unique property has a real "Freo" feel with its retro saw-tooth roof design, natural light and open plan...
Highlight Size 682 m² Property Type Showrooms / Bulky Goods
Proposed Developments