2018 set for record year of office investment in Australia
Investment in office space is set to hit a record high in 2018, according to Knight Frank. Photo: Louise Kennerley

2018 set for record year of office investment in Australia

Ingrid Fuary-Wagner

Investment in office space is on track to hit a record high in 2018, with $18.3 billion expected to have transacted within the asset class across six major Australian cities by the end of the year, according to new research from Knight Frank.

The biggest deal of the year, Oxford Group’s expected $3.4 billion takeover of Investa Office Fund and its $4.4 billion trophy office tower portfolio, will push investment volumes above last year’s total of $18 billion.

In Sydney, $9 billion worth of office space will have been purchased in 2018, followed by $3.9 billion in Melbourne and $3.3 billion in Brisbane. Transactions in Perth will have have surged to $1.1 billion, its strongest activity since 2013.

“Both [Brisbane and Perth] have experienced a sustained period of high vacancy but the results reflect improved confidence in the leasing market outlook with prime market performance now recovering as supply gradually tightens,” Knight Frank Australia’s head of research Ben Burston said.

There was a growing appetite for real estate among local superannuation funds, some of the most active investors in 2018 and responsible for $2.3 billion of office acquisitions – an increase of 66 per cent from 2017, Mr Burston said.

The biggest deals by superannuation funds this year include Rest’s $900 million stake in the landmark Quay Quarter Tower in Sydney, due to be completed in 2021, and in Melbourne the $550 million joint acquisition of Two Melbourne Quarter by one of the country’s largest super funds, First State Super, and Lendlease’s investment arm Australian Prime Property Fund.

In June super fund ISPT took a half stake in Sydney’s landmark Westpac Place for $721.9 million.

“Super funds are looking at real estate as a means of giving you bond-like returns but also with the possibility of long-term capital growth and they have the means to go after those large lot sizes,” Mr Burston said.

Potential return of overseas capital
Mr Burston expected super funds to continue to grow their office assets beyond 2018 but, off the back of unprecedented highs of the past two years, expected overall market activity to drop slightly in 2019.

“I think at some point, although not necessarily next year, we will see a return from Chinese capital, and I’d also keep an eye on US private equity. Of course there’s Blackstone, but we haven’t seen many of the other major private equity players in the market.”

Despite a drop in investment volumes in Melbourne in 2018 from last year’s $4.6 billion, demand for office space remained very strong, Knight Frank’s joint head of institutional sales Paul Roberts said.

“The tightness of supply and strong growth in the market has led to fewer owners willing to sell, with total volumes likely to hit $3.9 billion, 15 per cent down on last year’s total,” Mr Roberts said.

Melbourne CBD’s office vacancy rate is the tightest in the country at 3.6 per cent – a 10-year low – while just 4.6 per cent of offices in Sydney’s CBD were vacant over the first six months of the year, and that figure is expected to drop to just 3 per cent by the end of 2019, according to BIS Oxford Economics.