Big builders want more pay up front - and more often
Large contractors want more upfront payment from clients to stop acting as unofficial banks for projects. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Big builders want more pay up front - and more often

Clients of infrastructure and construction projects need to pay more up front to reform a “broken” business model that means building companies make up 26 per cent of company failures even though they only account for 17 per cent of businesses, the Australian Constructors Association says.

To end the unsustainable system in which government and private-sector clients effectively treat service providers as a bank, they should make advance payments to prevent contractors in the low-margin industry carrying huge upfront costs and risk, the lobby group for big contractors says in a new report, Credit Where Credit’s Due.

Payments for site mobilisation costs and long-lead, high-value, procurement items would prevent contractors falling into cash-negative positions, while more frequent payment terms would minimise financing burdens and increased reimbursement of bid costs would give greater certainty to bidders, the report says among its recommendations.

“We’re the only industry that provides that line of credit and we’ve got to move away from that,” said ACA chief executive Jon Davies.

“It’s not helping the industry at all.”

Risks are rising as the resource- and labour-constrained industry emerges into the next stage of the living-with-COVID-19 economy at a time of increasing spend.

Non-residential construction will ease over the next three years due to lower levels of work in office, retail and wholesale trade construction, as infrastructure-related work picks up steadily due to commonwealth and state government projects, industry forecasting body ACIF reported in May.

But the industry group’s argument for earlier payment is coupled with a rejection of payment protections that subcontractors have long called for and which the Labor federal government committed to implement before the May general election.

The introduction of statutory trusts ringfencing payments head contractors receive from clients for subcontractors – who often perform about 85 per cent of work done on site – and which would not allow head contractors to use those funds for general cash flow was the “wrong answer”, the ACA said.

More upfront payment to head contractors would, instead, resolve liquidity problems for all parties, Mr Davies said.

“There wouldn’t be the necessity for those trust accounts,” he said. “Similar terms would be applied to the supply chain. Increased liquidity would flow through to the supply chain.”

Head contractors also used their current flexibility over cash flow to share the risks they faced with subcontractors, he said.

“What we see also is the packaging up of that risk though subcontractors – the payment risk, other risks – materials, price escalations,” Mr Davies said.

“That’s the other way to mitigate that risk.”

Former Master Builders Australia CEO John Murray, the author of a 2017 federal government review that recommended statutory trusts to strengthen security of payment protections for subcontractors, said the ACA was asking for too much.

“They want the best of both worlds – get paid early but don’t impose on us the obligation for those monies to be ringfenced, notwithstanding the fact that there are so many insolvencies emanating from head contractors being unable to pay,” Mr Murray said.

Federal Labor said it would implement the Murray review recommendations ahead of the May general election. To do so, however, it would have to amend the Commonwealth Corporations Act to overrule an area of regulation that is currently the remit of state and territory governments.

Employment and Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke did not respond to several requests for comment.

Building regulation is a state matter and different jurisdictions have different rules. Queensland was the first state to introduce requirements for payment protections for subcontractors, but Mr Davies said that system was too complex and burdensome – and Mr Murray agreed.

“Highly prescriptive requirements as to compliance with the notion of project bank accounts as set out in their legislation has made it virtually impossible for many contractors to comply,” Mr Murray said.

A system of trusts could be implemented simply if laws were passed deeming payments made to be in trust. This would create the necessary protections with little extra work, he said.

WA this year legislated to create trusts to protect so-called retention monies – the funds equivalent to about 5 per cent of a project’s cost that head contractors hold for about two years to pay for defects that arise.

NSW has a system that allows subcontractors a quick route to take payment disputes to binding adjudication if they are denied payment, but this does not protect the money from other creditors if a head contractor goes under.