CBD office rents bottoming out but uncertain times ahead
CBD rents continue to fall post-COVID-19 but the trajectory is levelling out.

CBD office rents bottoming out but uncertain times ahead

Prime CBD office rents across the major east coast markets of Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne reached fresh multi-year lows in the June quarter after a relentless 18-month decline.

But Cushman & Wakefield’s head of research John Sears believes rents are close to bottoming out and that net office space absorption will move into positive territory later this year.

New research from Cushman & Wakefield reveals that Sydney’s prime CBD rents have had by far the biggest falls, dropping 24 per cent on a net effective basis since the start of 2020, when they were $875 per square metre.

They have now fallen to $665 a square metre, down 3 per cent from the March quarter – which is marginally less than the rate of decline over the preceding two quarters.

The most dramatic declines in Sydney occurred in the six months following the onset of COVID-19, when the rents fell more than 15 per cent.

Melbourne’s prime rents, which were at $455 a square metre in March 2020, have followed a slightly different trajectory,

After an initial collapse, prime rents temporarily stabilised, but fell steadily through the Melbourne lockdowns of 2021 to reach $380 a square metre in the June quarter.

In Brisbane, prime net effective rents were largely stable through 2020 before slumping sharply in the first quarter of this year.

Positive indicators

“I think we’re getting close to a bottom,” said Mr Sears.

“Notwithstanding the latest COVID shutdowns in Sydney and Melbourne, we are seeing a lot of very positive cyclical indicators of office demand.

“If you look at things like business conditions – the NAB survey, the stockmarket, capital expenditure intentions – they’re all good leading indicators of office demand, and they’ve all been really strong.

“Our leasing teams are also seeing better demand, but there is a caveat. The better demand is, generally speaking, from the smaller tenants.”

He said bigger tenants are “still sitting on their hands” as they determine their longer-term staffing needs.

“There’s a cyclical upswing, if you like, but it’s being tempered by structural change toward greater flexible working.”

Smaller companies, however, are using increased rental incentives to upgrade their offices, which Mr Sears believes will enhance their appeal to workers at a time of tightening employment.

“There’s going to be a bit of a war for talent and having things like flexible working conditions and a really attractive office will really help.”

Mr Sears said increased rental incentives are a major factor in driving demand from upgraders – the so-called “flight to quality”.

“I think this year we will see net absorption start to turn positive, but the problem is this structural change going on, which is seeing incentives creep up a little,” he said.

“Yes, we are near the bottom [but] by the time all the leases come up, this could drag out over several years as companies work out what their space needs will be.”

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