Murdoch's son-in-law adds $22m farm to cattle empire
Alasdair McLeod has bought Paradise Creek Station at Inverell for $22 million.

Murdoch's son-in-law adds $22m farm to cattle empire

Former News Corp executive Alasdair MacLeod has beefed up his New England-based regenerative farming venture, Wilmot Cattle Company, after buying Paradise Creek Station at Inverell for more than $22 million

Mr MacLeod, who is married to Rich Lister Prudence MacLeod, the eldest daughter of News Corp executive chairman Rupert Murdoch, will add the 2575ha holding at 2929 Elsemore Road to a portfolio that includes 1854ha Wilmot at Hernani, 2555ha Woodburn north of Walcha and 1535ha Morocco near Gunnedah.

Mr MacLeod is part of a growing pool of high-net worth business leaders seeing opportunities to breed high-quality beef cattle, while also tacking climate change. Wilmot Cattle Company sequesters carbon in the soil on its properties by using techniques such a rotational grazing.

Last year Microsoft agreed to pay $500,000 for Wilmot’s carbon credits in what was then the single biggest trade of carbon credits by an Australian farming business

“We are now grazing cattle in such a way that they are not net emitters of carbon, they are net sequesters of carbon,” Mr MacLeod told The Australian Financial Review last year.

It’s a strategy being employed by the likes of Tim Samway’s Packhorse Pastoral Company, whose plans to build a $1.5 billion cattle and carbon fund are backed by Rich Lister Terry Snow.

A 180 per cent surge in the price of Australian Carbon Credit Units last year, as more companies look to offset their emissions to attain net zero status, has added to the appeal of carbon sequestration for many owners of large-scale farming enterprises.

The acquisition of Paradise Creek Station by Mr MacLeod’s Wilmot Cattle Company ended 116 years of ownership by the Nicholas family and its descendants.

One of the oldest properties in the Inverell district – it was first settled in 1839 and was famously depicted in the 1895 painting Bailed Up by Australian impressionist painter, Tom Roberts – Paradise Creek Station offers fertile basalt soils, Macintyre River, Paradise Creek and Back Creek frontage and average annual rainfall of 871 mm.

Amid the heightened appetite for premium livestock properties given record beef prices, selling agents LAWD said Paradise Creek attracted more than 80 enquiries from across multiple states.

“Properties of such quality and of this scale are scarce and rarely come to market in the New England region, and this was reflected in the robust buyer interest we received from corporate ventures, family-farm enterprises and individuals,” said LAWD director Simon Cudmore.

Wilmot Cattle Company general manager, Stuart Austin, said the acquisition completed the business’s recent phase of expansion.

“Our goal is to establish a breeding herd on some of Paradise Creek’s rougher country, while further developing the open country so the property can trade cattle year-round,” Mr Austin said.

“Our core business is breeding and trading cattle, however through our regenerative practices of restoring the ecological function of our landscapes, carbon credits may be a co-benefit.”