Paragon Cafe in Katoomba closes after 102 years
The quaint old teacups, art deco picture frames and sample chocolates that used to grace the windows of the Paragon in Katoomba are gone.
The empty shelves tell the sad tale that the Paragon Cafe has closed its doors. The last trading day was on Sunday.
The business’s owner, Robyn Parker, had been unable to negotiate a new lease with her landlord, Sydney solicitor John Landerer.
Ms Parker said she had asked for a rent cut or an agreement over maintenance on the historic building which is in need of repair. But instead she was given notice to quit.
It is understood Mr Landerer is now seeking another tenant to take over the cafe, which opened in 1916.
At the same time, the lawyer and Ms Parker are in dispute over who actually owns the name.
Ms Parker bought the business in 2011. She has previously told the Gazette: “I bought a business and its name was the Paragon.”
Mr Landerer has said: “We believe the name goes with the property.”
The Member for Blue Mountains, Trish Doyle, and Shadow Minister for Heritage, Penny Sharpe MLC, recently met with Ms Parker.
Labor said it held grave concerns about the deteriorating condition of the Paragon building and had discussed with Ms Parker avenues within the Heritage Act 1977 that might have been available to compel the landlord to respond to her reasonable requests for repairs.
But it would appear all too late.
This story originally appeared in the Blue Mountains Gazette.