Retail landlords shrug off inflation fears
Australia’s big retail landlords are sanguine about the impact of rising inflation despite looming interest rate hikes and the likelihood prices will increase on many goods sold in their malls.
Spiralling petrol prices — bowser rates surged above $2.20 this week —- are the immediate pressure point for consumers, but economists are warning inflation is likely to hit levels not seen in decades.
While the latest quarterly Consumer Price Index puts inflation at just 3.5 per cent over the year to December, that is expected to change as the Ukraine war and sanctions against Russia bite.
Shopping mall managers and analysts of the real estate trust sector are taking the threat in their stride.
“If there is inflation, that means people are spending money and driving up prices. That’s a positive for us,” Scentre Group’s outgoing chief executive Peter Allen said.
The boss of the $16.4 billion ASX-listed retail behemoth says the structure of individual store leases in its Westfield malls are locked in by a fixed base rent and annual indexation.
“A lot of our indexation is inflation linked,” he said.
That will shield the landlord’s future earnings after it reported a strong rebound in shoppers, rent collections and tenants leasing new spaces earlier this year.
“Historically, if there has been long-term inflation, we’ve been a natural hedge to that long-term inflation. So I think that’s a really positive thing in terms of the story going forward.”
The after-effects of the pandemic are also playing out.
After two years of crimping spending and staying at home with no international travel, Australians’ bank balances are a healthy black. Personal savings are elevated, reaching an all-time high of 23.6 per cent during the peak of the pandemic in 2020.
Others are not convinced inflation is here to stay. Select Equities analyst Tony Brinker said Australia appears to have “inherited” rising inflation trends of the US. He expects that trend to correct, although it may be delayed by the bounce in energy prices.
UBS bank analyst Grant McCasker said in a note to clients that because of low unemployment and high savings, consumers are in a good position to absorb rising prices.
“We have upgraded Scentre to ‘buy’, reflecting a favourable macro view of the domestic consumer with a buffer from elevated savings in a period where leasing confidence has shifted more positive in recent months,” he said.
Vicinity Centres chief Grant Kelley echoes the positive effect of inflation on the sector.
“There is a lot of commentary in the results around the negativity of inflation. In our industry … inflation, which is almost always accompanied by increased consumption, is a net positive for a period of time for retailers,” he said.
“We just need to keep mindful … that the increase in sales, due to increased consumption, due to more money in the system — that’s ultimately, for our tenants, a very good fact.”
However, Mr McCasker said the broader A-REIT sector has never been as exposed as it is now to rising interest rates. Unhedged debt is sitting around 36 per cent compared to 20 per cent in 2019.
“We assume every 100 basis point move in the cash rate impacts financial year 2023/2024 earnings by 4 per cent,” he said. “We have adjusted sector preferences to reflect a continued value bias and a shift towards discretionary retail landlords and slightly reduced our residential tilt.”
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