Shop til you drop: Mall giant GPT takes $500m COVID hit
Highpoint Shopping Centre in Melbourne.

Shop til you drop: Mall giant GPT takes $500m COVID hit

Diversified property giant GPT Group has become one of the first real estate investment trusts to reveal the impact of the coronavirus with a near $500 million write-down in the value of its shopping centre portfolio.

Retail landlords have been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic as shoppers were forced to stay home under the lockdown laws, causing foot traffic and revenue to plummet.

GPT, which owns 12 malls across the country, has written down the value of seven centres in which it has part or full ownership by $476.7 million after undertaking an independent assessment of its retail assets covering the months between December 31, 2019 to May 31. It is an 8.8 per cent decline since December.

The group has also withdrawn its full-year 2020 guidance and is amending its dividend payout ratio policy.

Chief executive Bob Johnston said the revaluations reflect the effects COVID-19 and the subsequent social restrictions have had on the retail assets. “This has generally been reflected in lower market rental growth rates, increased vacancy and abatement allowances and some softening in investment metrics,” Mr Johnston said.

Further compounding the pressure for retail landlords, tenants are looking at strategies to slash their store portfolios and in doing so are either declining to pay rent over the shutdown period or are forcing landlords to change the way rents are now collected.

Billionaire retailer Solomon Lew’s Premier Investments has led the charge by proposing to only pay rent in arrears for all its stores as a gross percentage of sales. This is a major shift from the traditional rent per square metre formula.

Smaller tenants received some rent relief and are now looking for new deals with landlords.

Vicinity Centres, the country’s second-largest mall owner and manager, said last week it expected values to drop between 11 per cent and 13 per cent when it undertakes its independent review.

GPT’s hardest-hit asset, in which it owns 50 per cent, was Casuarina Square in Darwin which fell by 16.6 per cent or $41 million. The city-based malls fared slightly better, with Highpoint shopping centre in Maribyrnong, Melbourne, in which GPT has a 16.7 per cent stake, falling by 13.6 per cent.

Melbourne Central, which is the nation’s highest-performing asset by productivity, was the best performer, down 2.6 per cent despite being impacted by a fall off in tourism and the closure of many city offices.

Since the easing of restrictions, the mall owners have said almost all shops have reopened and foot traffic is nearing the same level as this time last year.

Stuart McLean from Macquarie Equities said the asset revaluations were broadly in line with expectations and with other REITs, “with further declines in asset values already priced in the share price”.

GPT will have all of its properties independently valued for the end of June and will release its interim results in mid-August.

GPT securities price rose 7.7 per cent to $4.58 on Tuesday.