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1279 Hexham-Chatsworth Road
Hexham VIC 3273
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Sold on 11 Nov 2022

1279 Hexham-Chatsworth Road Hexham VIC 3273

  • Rural / Farming
  • 711 ha
  • Sold

'Lime Creek' Western Districts Cropping Opportunity

  • Intensively developed for row cropping
  • Proven historic high-yields
  • Very reliable farming district

CBRE Agribusiness is delighted to have been appointed to present 'Lime Creek' (the Property) for sale, a highly-productive mixed farming opportunity in the renowned Hexham Area within the Western Districts Region of Victoria, Australia.

The Western Districts Region is recognised as Victoria's premium cropping and livestock region due to its statistically proven reliability of rainfall, productive soil types, proximity to rural services and its iconic rural community. Rarely are properties of this calibre offered for sale within this region. The Property comprises approximately 711 hectares* (1,756 acres*) in one contiguous landholding, with 88% (626 hectares*; 1,547 acres*) classed as good quality arable area and is currently planted to Winter row crops.

A key feature is the broad range of enterprises the Property can support, with a proven history of having run livestock operations at approximately 18.0 Dry Sheep Equivalent (dse) per hectare and Winter row cropping operations in excess of 6.0 Wheat Tonne Equivalent (wte) per hectare. The Property has direct double-frontage to the Lime Creek with two very large dams plus 5 smaller dams to store water for either livestock, farming and/or domestic purposes. The Property comprises a broadscale water reticulation system with pressurised water troughs in all paddocks not directly serviced by catchment dams. Approximately 500* hectares (1,235 acres*) of arable land has been intensively developed for maximum productivity of Winter row cropping by having that area stone-picked, landformed with raised beds, deeply cultivated, strategically drained and with lime and gypsum incorporated where appropriate. The balance of the arable area is naturally well drained, stone picked and consistently highly productive.

The Property features excellent fencing, generous machinery shedding, significant grain storage facilities, large sheep yards plus an admirable shearing shed with undercover sheep housing. The Property also has an outstanding homestead and has bitumen road frontage with easy access to local townships.

The Property is located just 13 kilometres* north-west of Hexham and just 20 kilometres* west of Woorndoo, situated within both the broader Western Districts Region and the tighter Mortlake-Woorndoo Area of South-Western Victoria, Australia.


Key features of the opportunity include:

Total land area 711 hectares* (1,756 acres*)
Total arable land area 626 hectares* (1,547 acres*) , approximately 88%
Sown to row crops in 2022 is 626 hectares* (1,547 acres*), comprising 194 hectares* Wheat plus 253 hectares* Canola plus 179 hectares* Faba Beans.
Target Cropping Rotation is: (Yr1) Faba Beans 25%; followed by (Yr2) Canola 25%; followed by (Yr3 & Yr4) Wheat 25% + 25%
Soils are predominantly red loam and red clay loam Chromosol top-soils over rich clay or mottled subsoils
Topography is generally very gently sloping (<2%) with predominantly easterly and westerly aspects leading towards Lime Creek
Cool Temperate Climate, characterised by cool-wet Winters and warm-dry Summers
Average Annual Rainfall of 664 millimetres* (Bureau of Meteorology Penshurst)
Rainfall Reliability Index of 77% (Bureau of Meteorology Penshurst)
On-site permanent grain storage of 150 tonnes plus field bins of 125 tonnes plus large area set up for bagged grain storage
Machinery sheds, workshops and general storage shed (325 sqm*) including vehicle hoist
Shearing shed with 3-stands plus undercover and outdoor sheep yards
Accommodation comprising one significant brick veneer 5-bedroom homestead with office and underground cellar
Stock and domestic water supplied to all paddocks via pressurised water from an on-site water storage dam




Closing date and time20/10/2022 16:00
Recipient nameAsk Agent
Delivery addressAsk Agent
CBRE Agribusiness
CBRE Agribusiness
Level 21/363 George St
Sydney, NSW 2000

Property Highlights

Date Sold11 Nov 2022
Floor AreaAsk Agent
Land Area711 ha
ParkingOn site parking available
Property ID2018056465
Last updated  23 Nov 2022
Map for 1279 Hexham-Chatsworth Road Hexham VIC 3273
CBRE Agribusiness
CBRE Agribusiness
Level 21/363 George St
Sydney, NSW 2000

Property Highlights

Date Sold11 Nov 2022
Floor AreaAsk Agent
Land Area711 ha
ParkingOn site parking available
Property ID2018056465
Last updated  23 Nov 2022


Matt Childs
Matt Childs
CBRE Agribusiness
+61 418 512 494
Shane McIntyre
Shane McIntyre
CBRE Agribusiness
0429 557 070

More about 1279 Hexham-Chatsworth Road Hexham VIC 3273

1279 Hexham-chatsworth Road Hexham VIC 3273 is categorized as Rural & Farming. It has a land area of 711 ha. The listing ID for this property is 2018056465.

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