Positioned in a busy complex with great long standing business surrounding you increasing the foot traffic and business exposure.
Current fit out is designed for a office or beauty salon space
Current fit-out is designed as:
* Reception area with desk and shelving
* 5 private rooms ( two with sinks )
* kitchenette
* Separate toilet Plus communal toilets
* Ducted air-conditioning though out
* Ducted speakers throughout
* Approximately 75 m2 of floor space
clean and tidy ready for you to move in and start your business
Some great longstanding neighbouring business increasing your foot traffic and business exposure in the complex includes:
Dentist, pathology, Hair dressing salon, Real Estate office, Nannas pantry, Book store, IT systems, Wide Bay Veterinary, Doctors surgery and Morgans Sewing Centre.
Complex includes a large car park out the front for customers and employees
Contact: Exclusive agent Claire Blignaut - Prime Property Hervey Bay Commercial for more information 0499 700 130