2309 Gillingarra Road, Regans Ford
1530HA (3780 AC)
For Sale using Elders Market Buy (Online) 10am 15th September 2020 (if not sold prior)
"Diamond Downs" is an opportunity to purchase a well located property, in a reliable rainfall zone. One freehold title with a total land area of 1530HA (3780 acres).
Water security is a feature of this property, with several self-replenishing soaks, 1 electric bore and 2 unequipped bores with solar panels.
Cattle handling facilities include 300 head capacity yards, covered concrete work area, draft and crush.
Mixture of open plain and parkland grazing.
Located 22 kms east of Regans Ford, 60 km south-west of Moora and 150 kms north of Perth. 71 kms to Muchea Livestock Centre.
Property destocked in mid-June, and pastures (kikuyu, serradella, blue lupins and natural grasses) are well established.
FOR SALE by Elders Market Buy (Online) 10am 15th September 2020 (if not sold prior)
Contact Courtney Keeffe on 0429 625 007 at Elders Real Estate Geraldton on 08 99658271, email courtney.keeffe@elders.com.au