AREA: 149.2 ha (368.68 ac) Freehold.
Inverell Shire Council Rates. Northern Tablelands LLS.
SITUATION: 31km from Glen Innes, 37km from Inverell. In the Swan Vale area.
SERVICES: Power available. Phone. Primary and Secondary schools at Glen Innes & Inverell. Air and rail services from Inverell to Brisbane & Armidale/Tamworth/Moree to Sydney. Saleyards at Inverell, being the 6th largest selling centre in the state, weekly fat cattle sales, fortnightly sheep sales and monthly store cattle sales. Export abattoir at Inverell. 3 major feedlots in the Inverell area. Inverell is one of the major shopping and service centres of Northern NSW.
COUNTRY: Undulating. Altitude: 800m to 925m ASL.
SOIL: Basalt soils.
ARABLE AREA: Approx. 32ha (80ac).
TIMBER: White Box & Apple.
WATER: 4 dams.
Bore soft water, pumping via solar pump to 10,000gal tanks, reticulating to 14 troughs. Bore was tested at 9000L/hr.
Frontage to the seasonal Young's Creek.
RAINFALL: Approx. 830mm (32inch) p.a.
FENCING: Boundary & subdivision: good. Divided into 15 paddocks.
IMPROVEMENTS: Building entitlement, subject to Development Application.
MACHINERY SHED: 21m x 18m lock-up shed for machinery or storage. 10tonne cone base silo.
STOCK YARDS: Steel and timber cattle yards with head bale. Road train access to highway.
Disclaimer: All information contained is gathered from relevant third party sources. We cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must rely solely on their own enquiries.
Property Code: 815