The subject land formerly known as Puzzle Park, occupies a 4.57 hectare parcel of land with its angled Jervois Road frontage. The subject land abuts the widened South Eastern Freeway reserve, elevated at this location with its Jervois Road/Swanport Road interchange. The subject land contains a wetlands pondage system and is extensively planted with local endemic eucalypts. It contains a substantial face brick building constructed for its prior use as a tourist destination venue, Puzzle Park, and retains a significant number of its original slides, play equipment, huts, shelters and toilet facilities and its 20 meg water licence. The subject land enjoys a gentle and consistent gradient across the rear southern boundary and continuing diagonally to the north eastern corner of the property. Planning is administered by the Rural City of Murray Bridge and is zoned Rural Living - Precinct 21 - Swanport, with supported uses including Tourist Attraction (motel, cabins, caravan parks) and rural living residential. Contact us for an information pack or to arrange a time to have a look through at what the property has to offer.