* 80m2 space located in Broadwater Plaza
* Air conditioned and carpeted
* Parking at the door & easy access
* Lots of passing traffic
* Other tenancies include Subway, bottle shop, hair dresser, restaurants, real estate office & dog grooming establishment.
For more information, contact NAI Harcourts today!
DISCLAIMER: Subject to the provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974 and subject to any other non-excludable statutory provisions. Conduco Pty Ltd t/as NAI Harcourts Gold Coast for themselves and for the Vendors of this property for whom they act give notice that all information given in relation to this property whether contained in this document or given orally, is given without responsibility and intending purchasers and tenants should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advice or as is otherwise necessary. No person in the employment of Conduco Pty Ltd t/as NAI Harcourts Gold Coast has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property.