If you are requiring an already professional fitted and air-conditioned commercial office space, then you need to check this space out at 4/56 River Road, Gympie.
Premises includes:
- 226m2 of total office space - 1 x large reception area with two separate counters - 6 x office rooms - 1 x boardroom - 1 x common area/lounge room - 1 x kitchenette room - 2 x toilets including a disabled toilet. - Premium signage exposure - Located only a short walk into town - Ample available car parking on site
If you are interested in knowing more about this leasing opportunity, please contract our local Commercial Sales and Leasing agent Simon Linnane on 0438 888 832 or email simon.linnane@century21.com.au.
Nearest transport* to 4/56 River Road Gympie QLD 4570
Bus is not available within 4km radius
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