- The property is prominently situated on an ideal corner site on the busy Pacific Highway.
- The premises is located central to many conveniences including major banks, post office, boutique retail as well as
major shopping chains including Coles, Woolworths and ALDI.
- Internally the suite presents a mix of open plan and partitioned retail/commercial accommodation. The premises is
serviced by ducted air conditioning, male and female amenities including shower and private kitchenette.
- To the rear of the property is a fully functioning three (3) bedroom unit including kitchen, dining and bathroom.
- The premises boasts on-site parking accessed off Stanley Street.
- Area – 265m² approx.
- Rental - $40,000 per annum gross plus GST
- Outgoings are included in the above mentioned rental. The Lessee will be responsible for the Lessee’s own business
related operating expenses including, but not limited to, electricity, water usage, insurance, internal cleaning,
telephones, air conditioning maintenance etc.