Perfect for re-locating your business or needing to expand is this well constructed industrial building which could also provide some flexibility around making into separate bays and recovering some costs through a rental stream.
A glance over the property will quickly tell you the care factor provided by our owners in its pristine presentation. Up until the property has been owner occupied, but for anyone looking to purchase such a quality property, the unused or undeveloped balance of land has huge options. Construct additional workshop bays, sub-divide off (STCA) and recoup some of the upfront acquisition costs.
The front office provides plenty of room to set your office reception up if establishing your own business with access to the bathroom from the shed.
The side electric roller door is some 5m x 5m providing entry access that would allow a truck to load and uplift goods or to be serviced.
Our owners have another venture they wish to embark so sadly now wish to sell this wondered property which they have developed. If you are wanting a large working industrial shed, a large parcel of land to be able to do other things with now or later and be well located in this emerging industrial precinct then you had better call Greg to seek further details.
Zoned IN1 General Industrial
Electric security gate entry
3 Phase power (1 point)
Wheel chair compliant
Remote security camera checking
DA approved for both pilon and building signs
Mezzanine plumber for sink and power for a refrigerator
11 car space plus a disable car space
Rates $3,300pa