Commercial Industrial Property Group (CIPG) and Chad Parham offers for lease this office and workshop plus large yard in Bibra Lake.
Bibra Lake is approximately 20 kilometres from Perth CBD and approximately 12 kilometres from Fremantle.
Fronting two streets, this property is easily accessible and provides many options for the occupier. Great exposure to busy Spearwood Avenue.
Improvements to the property comprise an office and workshop building constructed of concrete tilt panels with a total area of approximately 2,035sqm. Office is provided over 2 levels being approximately 360sqm and is air-conditioned. Workshop area is approximately 1,675sqm with a minimum truss height of approximately 7 metres.
* 10 tonne gantry crane
* 2 x wash down pads with oily water separators
* large spray booth
* reticulated compressed air (including air compressor)
* mezzanine within workshop
* perimeter electric fence
* security system
* automatic gate
* 300amp power supply
The yard has an area of approximately 14,464sqm being hotmix and recycled hotmix paved.
* conditions apply to rent free period
For an inspection or further detail please contact:
Commercial Industrial Property Group (CIPG)
Chad Parham 041 219 6600