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- › * Booroomugga Station, Cobar NSW 2835
* Booroomugga Station Cobar NSW 2835
- Rural / Farming
- 16,458 ha
- Sold
Booroomugga Station
16,458ha (40,750ac), 4 titles
92km N/W of Nyngan, 50km W of Girilambone on the Booroomugga/Cobar Road, or 25km N of Canbelego/Barrier Highway.
Slight undulating to flat red loam, chocolate loam in creeks. Water shed from
higher country to mail box and mulga creek basin dispersing north/south through property.
Predominately timbered with pine, mulga, rosewood, red gum and box along creek system, heavily grassed rangeland with a large variety of native grasses and herbages, clovers, corkscrew crowfoot, copper burr - all very lush from a wet winter!
Cultivation License:
Cultivation license total 2,143ha of which approx. 525ha is being sown to wheat. Further approx. 685ha pulled and mostly all raked. Approx. 930ha maintained cultivation country carrying huge variety of feed.
Watered by 24 earth dams ranging from 2,000CY to 4,000CY, seasonal waterholes in creek system. House dam 12,000CY double dam with power connected and pipeline to house supply. Bore hole cased on Mulga Creek, approx. 300ft 350gpa not equipped.
Extensive fencing being 16km hinge joint on northern boundary, 12.5km Weston electric fencing 8 wire, approx. 20km of 6-70-30 hinge joint internal with 11 main grazing & 6 small holdings.
Comfortable large 4 bedroom brick veneer home built in 1989, open plan kitchen to dining area with separate lounge room featuring wood fire plus office,
evaporative air con, 9m x 6m paved undercover BBQ area with 7' x 8' cool room. 2x 20,000L rainwater storage. 10m x 9m Colourbond lockup car garage, established lawns and gardens and all securely fenced yard. 5m x 9m veggie garden with shade cloth, large chook house & run.
Additional cottage being 2 bedrooms, lounge, wood fire, gauzed in front verandah and open rear, 2x 3,000L poly tanks.
23m x 10m open front machinery shed, 24m x 9m workshop cement flooring in part all lockable with 7m x 5m skillion at front. Power & water connected. Various storage sheds and chemical sheds, plus 2x 20,000L poly rainwater storage.
Old original 1890 era timber & pine shearing shed, 7-stand equipped with 4-stand Cooper shaft overhead gear powered by electric motor. Large undercover sheep area and large wool room - all in fair condition for its age. All steel and mesh sheep yards, 3-way draft, steel loading ramp, yards handle 3,000 sheep.
Quarters being original 1800 era all pine and iron, 6 bedrooms with ripple iron walls and power connected in sound condition.
Separate kitchen block & ablution block, all serviceable.
All steel panel and cable cattle yards, CIA crush & steel loading ramp with baulk and walkway. Race all concrete, round yard 5-way round draft. Separate race to Warwick calf cradle with concrete race. Large receiving yards working 300 head. Plus machinery unloading ramp and 2x 70 tonne MPH cone bottom silos on
cement pad.
Serviced by rural power, STD phone and mobile in car kit. Mail twice weekly. 50 minutes to Nyngan with grain handling facilities. 45 minutes to Cobar with flights to Sydney 5 days per week and interstate daily bus service.
Rainfall: 380mm p.a
Rates: $4,000 p.a approx.
Carrying Capacity:
Past history shows running 350 breeding cows and selling 800/1,000 rangeland goats nomadic to the area.
Agent Remarks:
"Booroomugga is one of the highest regarded old stations in the area with soft sweet heavy carrying country, superb mulga creek basin farming soil. Once fully developed this will greatly increase carrying capacity.
Truly a great old station!"
Inspections Highly Recommended!
Online Auction
11am - August 11, 2022
Auctions Plus
Exclusive Selling Agent:
David Russell
M 0418 636 050 P 02 6836 2234
Nutrien Ag Solutions (NSW)