Lucerne, Clovers, Crop, Grazing, Irrigation, Hay. Healthy country!
Predominantly Lucerne, clover and grass-based pastures.
Centre Pivot Irrigation of Approx. 18.5 ha/ 45 Ac.
164,530 kl Water Licence, diesel motor & pump.
Good quality water and opportunity for expansion of the irrigation area. Extensive soil improvement / clay spreading and good fertiliser history.
3 stock bores, 2 w/- Solar + Sub pump 1 mains power, delivers water to concrete / poly tanks, dams and troughs.
Renovated 3 bedroom homestead, garage, workshop, 3 Stand wool shed, steel sheep yards, steel cattle yards w/crush and ramp, large hay shed and grain silos.
Bitumen road access into Bordertown and Keith.
Suitable for cattle, sheep and also crop.
Versatile productive land in this very reliable district.
Call to inspect ASAP Geoff Watts 0427 717 515