Located in the renowned Salad Bowl of south east QLD, 110km SE of Cunnamulla, 260km NE of Bourke. Robina Downs is suited to sheep and wool production with the addition of cattle. An excellent mix of country including Mitchell and Blue grass open plains, alluvial Coolibah flood plains, Red Gidyea and Sandalwood loams, and deep sandy loams with Poplar box, Ironwood, Cypress, Dogwood and Beefwood.
Well fenced into 20 main paddocks plus holding paddocks, very well watered throughout with three capped and piped bores interconnected by poly to tanks and numerous troughs. Supported by the seasonal Noorama creek and 3 dams. Improvements include a six bedroom homestead, 4 stand shearing shed and quarters, sheep yards, cattle yards, work shop and machinery/vehicle shedding. A quality grazing property with motivated vendors committed to selling. For inspections contact Richard Gemmell 0428 164 672 or Sam Gemmell 0484 275 906.