Situated at the end of Shephard's Road, Fairy Hill / Backmede, Lot 12 is this perfect 116 acres of country that would be suitable for any type of cropping or livestock. The property could easily run 60 breeders.
The land is very clean and would be easy to manage from town or build a new home or shed and live on the property. From the building site there are panoramic views of the Richmond Valley and distant ranges. The land does have a building entitlement.
Grasses include Rhodes and Seteria with some suitable for hay production.
The fencing throughout is in very good condition and there is ample water available from Lagoon Creek and springs.
The property is located close to Casino's CBD and less than 2 hours to the Gold Coast. In this area, it is nearly impossible to find any small acreage properties so close to major cities and selling centres such as this quality parcel of land.
For an inspection, contact Mike Smith 0413 300 680
PRICE: $1,150,000
Property Code: 1666