Lot 70 Jardine Drive
Redland Bay QLD 4165
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- › Lot 70 Jardine Drive, Redland Bay QLD 4165
More about Lot 70 Jardine Drive Redland Bay QLD 4165
Lot 70 Jardine Drive Redland Bay QLD 4165 is categorized as Factory, Warehouse & Industrial Property. It has a floor area of 895 m² and a land area of 1,403 m². There are 21 x onsite parkings.The listing ID for this property is 17254443.
More Factory, Warehouse & Industrial properties for Lease in Redland Bay QLD
For LeaseNETT Rental - $2,916.67^ + Outgoings + GST
8/75-77 jardine drive,redland bay, QLD 4165
185 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial