•Hillview, offering 5055* freehold acres, 12 km North of Monto (2045.7 ha)
• Well developed undulating to hilly backgrounding and breeding country. Soils vary from heavy dark basalt clays to non-cracking red clays with some basalt on the upper slopes though to sweet valleys along the creeks
• Holding a great body of feed the property has been lightly stocked in recent months
• Introduced pastures and legumes supported by native grasses include green panic, creeping blue, premier digit, burnett blue, buffel, seca stylo, wynn cassia, and siratro
• There is a certified PMAV with approximately 70% of Hillview classified as category X vegetation. The balance is principally cat B
• Excellent water assets with 6 equipped bores ( 5 x solar and 1 x jet pump) connected to a 'Mait Water Monitoring System' offering remote real time water storage data. Complimented by 7 main dams and 4 secondary dams
• The bores supply 7 x 5000 gallon tanks plumbed to 12 troughs
• New steel panel cattle yards with pound draft, Arrowquip-Bud force, and race, leading to a vet crush. Cattle plunge dip and watered yards. There are adjacent cooler/weaner yards and holding paddocks
• Access via bitumen and approx 5.5 km of gravel. B Double access in most weather
• Subdivided into 7 main paddocks and 3 holding paddocks fencing is generally in good order. Consisting of 3 and 4 barb with a combination of split and steel posts
• The current owners of 20 years have traditionally run 100 breeding cows and 400 backgrounders. Hillview is est to carry 400 to 450 breeders
• Structural Improvements: new 18.5 x 9m steel three bay shed with 15m skillion. One bay on concrete, lockable with power connected. 14 x 9m hay shed with 6m skillion. Storage shed and car shed. Molasses tank with lick troughs in most paddocks
• 4 bedroom home with separate office. Renovated kitchen and bathroom. Central dining and living area.
Securely held by the current owners for 20 years, here is the opportunity to acquire centrally located Monto backgrounding and breeder country. Well developed water, fencing and pasture assets, Hillview is ready to operate. Offering market access both North and South, Hillview is also an ideal clearing station allowing reach to southern destinations beyond the tick line.
Contact the selling agent for further information.
John Malone
0428 668639