Location: Approx. 30 km from the vibrant city of Orange offering excellent
education, air services, medical and aged care facilities, plus high quality
shopping food/wine and entertainment options
Approx. 14.5 km from Mullion Creek
Country: Undulating to hilly
Timber: Yellow, red and white box with scattering of kurrajong
Soil: Area of red basalt, balance grey loam to rocky outcrops
Pastures: Mainly native with some clover and rye
Fencing: Boundary netted good order
Sound internal fences well maintained
Paddocks: Subdivided into 12 paddocks
Water: Two paddocks with access to permanent Oakey Creek
Remaining paddocks watered by a spring fed creek plus nine dams (all
recently cleaned out or constructed)
Water supplied to buildings by four tanks and three pressure pumps
Improvements: Small three bedroom cottage
Three stand, well maintained wool shed (Electric). Water connected with
hi-flow pressure pump and quick fill standpipe
Hay shed
Large machinery shed (60 feet x 27 feet) Completely enclosed and
secured by four large lockable sliding doors Power and water
connected. One third has a cement floor serving as a workshop area with
a large work bench and excellent lighting
Shed also includes overhead mezzanine floor for additional storage and a
large lock up steel chemical cage with shelving and cement bunding
Separate storage shed with power and water connected
Near new steel sheep and cattle yards with covered veterinary crush,
loading ramp, covered in double drenching race and three way drafting
'Oakey Park' has an outstanding record of quality fine wool production over many years. Furthermore, in addition to the sheep flock, the property has always carried fifty to sixty cows with potential to increase production.
If you are looking to purchase an acreage offering excellent production potential and utmost privacy your inspection of 'Oakey Park' is highly recommended.