- The property is situated on the northern side of Hunter Street, in the heart of Newcastle’s CBD civic precinct.
- The property is conveniently positioned directly opposite Newcastle University’s inner city campus and a short stroll to
the new Law Courts.
- Being situated on the top floor of a prominent CBD building, the open plan suite is accessed via a refurbished ground
floor foyer and dual lifts. The suite is abundant with natural light and provides a bird’s eye view of the civic precinct.
- Total lettable area - 17sqm (approx.)
- Rental – $150 per week plus GST.
- Outgoings are included in the above rental. The Lessee will also be responsible for the Lessee’s own business related
operating expenses including, but not limited to, electricity, water usage, telephones, insurance, internal cleaning etc.
the Lessee will also be responsible for 21% of the common operating expenses for Level 6 which include cleaning,
electricity, water usage, and air conditioning costs.