Bob Davey Real Estate is a real estate agency specialising in commercial property, offering rural properties for sale.
For over 18 years, Bob Davey Real Estate has been trading inNortham under the advertising trademark of “Ask Bob”. From one man and a parttime admin assistant, the business has grown dramatically servicing the AvonArc Region including Northam and surrounding towns such as Cunderdin, Dowerin,Wyalkatchem and Wongan Hills to only name a few. The office is located at 150 Fitzgerald Street, a central location in Northam's mainbusiness district.
With years of experience and an excellent sales history ouroffice knows how to cater for all your Real Estate needs.
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The team at Bob Davey Real Estate located at 150 Fitzgerald St Northam WA 6401 currently has 1 commercial property for sale advertised on Commercial Real Estate.